
Saturday, December 21, 2013

My first home.

Over the past few months my life has changed in an immeasurable amount of ways. Through this time I have learned many things about myself and lessons that I will treasure for the rest of my life.  With these lessons in mind I have decided to embark on an exciting and terrifying new adventure. I have decided to purchase my first home.  (eeeek!) This is brand new to me and there is a lot of learning and risk taking that goes into this big next step in my life. I would not be able to do it without the love and support from my wonderful parents. I cannot thank them enough for the outpouring of love they have shown me. I am saddened by the way 2013 has ended and the relationships I have lost.  I have never wanted a different ending more than I do now. With that said I am so excited to see what this house and 2014 will bring!

Anyways, as my mom and I were searching for the perfect starter home we stumbled upon a beautiful brick bungalow in my favorite area. We immediately fell in love with it and took action as quickly as possible. This home was a steal and on top of that we both loved it! Located in the Lindley Park neighborhood this place was the perfect home for me. However, it was a foreclosure and with that comes a few obstacles. As many of you know my mom and I share a passion for old, vintage (sometimes crappy) items that need a little tender, love, and care.  This home is just that.  It is begging for someone to show it some love. That’s where we come in. Immediately our repurposing minds went crazy with ideas of how to make this house the perfect home. So, the reason for this blog...I would love to take you through the craziness that will come of this little fixer-upper for as long as you are willing. We hope you enjoy this process just as much as we do!

Here are a couple of pictures we took as we were checking the place out. 

The view from the street. Our first project...replacing the windows! 

Love the cute backyard!

So, where are we in the process now? Funny thing actually. Last weekend I made an offer and it was accepted that following Monday. Woohoo! Everything happened really fast leading up to this point which we were really excited about. Once the offer was accepted things started to slow down. The paper work was taking longer and longer. This was kind of expected being that it is a foreclosure. Turns out that there was still one more disclosure document that we needed to see. We soon found out why the house was such a steal.

I remember driving to class one morning my senior year of college and not being able to get down walker st. The street was closed off by police at every angle. Guess which house they were closing the street for...yup, the little house on Westdale. (Yayy!) Turns out that the quiet man that lived there went a little crazy. A neighbor called the police saying that he was acting a little strange. The police got involved and had a 15 hour standoff! (Side note: the house is in a really safe area, I promise.) Anyways, the implications we are faced with right now (minus the possible bad juju) is that the police used tear gas to try to get him out of the house. I don't know anything about tear gas, however, through some research I've learned that it can be an extensive process to clean out of a house. So for the next week or so we will have the inspection and get the place checked out before our due diligence period is over to make sure this is a smart investment. If everything checks out I will close by the 15th of January! 

In the meantime I hope to do a few projects...stay tuned. 


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